Putting ‘social’ into business

Are you still wondering if you should have ‘social’ in your business? Your business works in an environment and not in isolation. You need to be where your customers are. If your customers are online and on the various social media platforms then you need to reach out to them and meet them there. The social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Blogs can be looked upon as great open opportunities. Opportunities that can enhance your business and brand.

Social Media is just not for marketing. It is useful in practically all of your departments right from creating strategy, to recruitment, to information sharing and spreading and so on.

One of the main aspects of business is to reach out to its customers and stakeholders. Having said this you also need to keep in mind that social media is not to be done just because everyone is talking about it. Social media requires commitment. There could not be any specific time restraining factor. Your social media personnel has to be a qualified sound person who knows how to project your brand and business and who has the business acumen to connect with your audiences.

While constructing the social media plan you need to have clear objectives, understand your brand behavior and tone, know how to monitor, know how to manage various comments especially negative comments. Since this would be a consistent and a continuous effort it is essential that this type of reach method does not become too expensive.

Your social media endeavor cannot be short term. This is a long term management process. It needs to be imbibed in the management, various departments and from top to down all should be willing to be a part of the journey. Having said this it does not mean that every single person is allowed to post on the social platform. There needs to be just one or two persons doing this.

We will cover the social media skill sets, advantages, brand enhancement etc in later articles.

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Pervara Kapadia is a Freelance Social Media Network Professional. Read more about her views here: http://pervarakapadiaatmoney.blogspot.in/

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