Many Brands and Business Houses consider Social Media as a promising Marketing Channel. It is critical to decide before-hand on how to go about your Social Media Space.
When you work on the various Social Media Platforms it is important to concentrate on your Responses. Responding is very critical. Apart from regular Posts you also need to actively respond to the various comments and remarks.
These Responses should be well administered. At the very beginning you need to decide what types of comments will be responded.Your framework is to cover both aspects:
- When you should Respond
- When you should not Respond
It is imperative to have an idea and a set mutual understanding on this.
The guiding light on what to Respond, and how to Respond, will be your Brand Personality.
This will automatically get determined if you have a well thought out Brand Personality. The Brand Personality will decide on how you will behave in the world of Social Media and it will also give you an indication on what Tone of Voice you should maintain. Social Media is an extension of the Brand Personality.
The value of your Response:
- At one level you start to address the comments and gain interaction, trust etc. You start to build credibility for yourself and your Brand / Business.
- At another level your Response indicates to others on what they should expect if they put up a certain Post.
What this means is:
- Your Response should give an idea to others that they too can interact. Make them feel warm and comfortable.
- This means that you should be able to create an environment of comfort and trust.
- Though your Page would have a framework – your Members should feel free to Post their comments and thoughts if they stay within the framework.
- It should make people feel that there is human who is responding and not an auto generated reply.
- Encourage your Members to interact among themselves as well. However do intercept if they are going too far and their conversation has nothing to do with your Social Media Page Philosophy.
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Pervara Kapadia is a Freelance Social Media Network Professional. Read more about her views here:
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